My Story
In the early stages of my life, I struggled to understand my purpose in life. I saw that everyone around me had really strong interests, passions and hobbies, and I felt indifferent to it all. I watched as my siblings and classmates excelled in after-school curriculars and activities. Everyone seemed to be really happy with life at the time. I found myself simply following the crowd and accepting that maybe I did not have anything truly original about me. Maybe I wasn’t meant to be this extremely happy, successful and overly-achieving human being. Maybe I wasn’t meant for anything.
I started self-studying astrology when I was around fifteen years old, and within this studying, I found my first passion. I have always been a spiritually-inclined kid who was really curious about people — who they are, what made them tick, why people were the way that they were. Astrology was an outlet for this. Throughout my later years of high school, other hobbies started to really stick, mainly hobbies related to art and dance. I felt that this was truly a time in my life where I first started gaining a better sense of confidence and belonging. I grew up, and took these hobbies with me to school, and then college, and so on.
Around the year 2017, my life had changed for the better. I found true and authentic happiness within myself, an experience I did not know that I’d ever feel. I was a leader, and an extremely creative one at that. I took on projects and initiatives that challenged me, such as choreographing, directing and editing dance films (you can see clips of these films all over my website!). I researched and wrote on topics that intrigued my curious mind. I was hired to perform and choreograph professionally, which made me feel like my skills were truly seen by others. I got to move my body all day long, conditioning myself to be stronger. My asthma symptoms, that I struggled my whole life, had mysteriously disappeared. My acne was gone and I had lost a healthy amount of weight. I was connected spiritually in a way I never was before. I was surrounded by my people and my community, individuals who I felt truly in-alignment with and who believed in me and my talents. My well-being in all areas of my life (mental health, physical health, spiritual health, financial and social well-being) were all functioning as great as I could have ever imagined.
It felt like every dream I ever had was coming to life without intentionally manifesting anything.
Unfortunately, my life after this experience was not as positive. I began to work jobs where I slowly lost interest and motivation. I felt that my energy and productivity levels were off. I did not have the time to take care of my health, and in the small times I did, I was too exhausted to do anything about it. I stopped dancing and utilizing my creativity. I was surrounded by people with different goals in life, different ambitions, and different values…
After years had passed, and nothing changed, I decided I needed to do things differently and think critically about the life I was living. I tried working out and diets, in which every attempt to stick to a routine seemed to fall through. I tried to be what my job and others needed to be and see if showing up in this way would bring me some sense of fulfillment. I became a people pleaser and let go of a lot of the things that made me feel like myself. I kept wondering if this was normal, or if I was simply struggling with my mental health or is something was just flat-out wrong with me. Something eventually called me to connect back to astrology again.
I decided to investigate a few things and came to some realizations about my own energy…
I am an extremely spiritual person. When I am not connected to my spirituality, I feel disconnected with myself (Pisces moon, venus chart ruler in the 9th house, sun in the 8th house, Aries jupiter trine neptune)
I am an entrepreneur at heart and work best when I have an alternating schedule and multiple small passion projects that I am working towards, as my energy and focus tends to be cyclical (Cancer midheaven, Cancer venus in the 9th house, Pisces moon in the 6th house, Mars in the 1st house)
I needed work that contributes to my emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, as my health and well-being are very sensitive to my environment (Taurus sun, Libra mars in the 1st house trine Cancer venus, Pisces Moon in the 6th square natal venus & sextile neptune in the 4th house, Cancer midheaven)
My life needs to be full of playful initiatives, ones where I can lead and be creative and expressive within a community. Doing work where I am connecting with others, both one-on-one and in group settings, is very important to me (Cancer venus, Leo north node in the 10th house, Aries jupiter in the 7th house, stellium in the 7th house)
I have a strong love for art and film (Pisces moon, venus ruled sun and rising, venus in the 9th house chart-ruler)
Work where I am exploring the minds of others, and learning about topics related to psychology, are important to me and spark my curiosity (Taurus sun in the 8th house square uranus, Aries jupiter in the 7th house)
I need work where I get to utilize my strong organizational skills and serve others (moon in the 6th house, Libra rising with mars in the first house)
I have a really great eye for seeing people and understanding them. I am also passionate about empowering the people around me and encouraging them to express themselves in a way that supports their happiness and well-being (Taurus sun in the 8th house, Pisces moon conjunct Cancer venus, Leo north node in the 10th house, mars in the first house, mercury conjunct sun in the 7th house)
To be clear, these realizations did not stick out to me all at once. It took some serious reflecting, connecting, the loss of some close people in my life, working with a life coach and so much more to really lead me to understand this. But once I did this, it all made sense. I used to be in an environment that fed my soul. Once I had left this environment, I lost myself. This experience made me realize the importance of life - of the work I do, of the people I spend time with, of the choices I make.
There is no obligation on this planet that is more important than the obligation you have to yourself to choose happiness, purpose and living a life that you are truly aligned with.
You only have one life. As cheesy as it sounds, it is also true. I truly believe that we were all put on this earth to follow our heart and align with what calls to us. We are not meant to go through life and follow the path that others have laid out for us. Astrology is an amazing and comprehensive tool for recognizing what sets ourselves apart from others. When we truly know ourselves, we can begin to make decisions that are in alignment with what will bring us happiness and fulfillment. I would be honored and blessed to be a part of that journey with you.
Below are more clips of dance and film that I had choreographed, directed, edited and produced during the time in my life that I was in the most alignment with myself. You can find my art all over my website!
More about me…
I like to do other fun and spontaneous things. Images below show an Ed Sheeran concert and me hosting my first ever trivia side-business (which lasted a strong four weeks!)
I am a professional dancer, performer, choreographer and teacher (this is pretty obvious from my page, lol)
I currently live in Washington, DC but I am originally from the jersey shore.
I am a PROUD cat mom to two beautiful kitties
My energy
Human Design
Tarot Archetype
Taurus sun
Pisces moon
Libra Rising
Cancer Midheaven & Venus chart-ruler
2/5 profile (the Hermit Heretic)
Type 4w5
Life Path 8
The Empress